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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You Have The choose! :-)


The Power to choose!!!
Some time ago, I received a revelation about the power of choice!
I remember from my experience that this idea lay ‘asleep’ within me! So it was so freeing for me and liberating to ‘know’ that I have the power within me to choose and it’s  God that has given me this  ‘power’ through the indwelling of His  Holy Spirit!  I can  execute  this God-given gift of choice from my moment to moment existence!!
And for this I am grateful and give God the glory!!!!!!

It has been and continues to be at times very it’s good to be encouraged and reminded !!
Choice!  It just came to my heart this morning as I was driving my son to school and we talked about peer pressures and the other life matters!  I love the way Mark Butler writes about this!
“In the beginning God created everything (even though it doesn’t always seem that way), and gave two human beings a mandate to rule the Earth and reproduce after their own kind.  When Adam and Eve were in the garden, God gave them a choice: choose His way (a loving relationship), or choose their own way (autonomy via broken relationship)....
As we consider ourselves and how we are wired, and those close to us with their unique personalities and traits, it’s clear that each of us is given a certain measure of different traits.  I often picture it that God came up with every single trait possible, and dished out to each of us a measure of each one and that is how we are configured.  Of course this is pure fiction but you get the picture!
But in the Genesis story, we see one thing very clearly: all of us have the ability to choose.  Now some of us have a measure of certain skills, and others have a measure of certain physical features, and others have certain traits and abilities to varying degrees.  But as a human being, you are born with a full measure of the ability to choose.  You can’t decrease it, you can’t trade it in for anything else, you can’t increase it or take someone else’s away from them; you have it and that’s that.
Indeed, this ability to choose is one of the clearest indications that we are unique from the animal kingdom.  A cow can choose this tuft of grass or that one, and an anteater can choose this ant or that one, but they do not have the ability to choose this life, or eternal life.  You my friend have that choice, in full measure.
This ability is so powerful it will determine your eternal destiny.  The sad fact of life is that many people do not have the awareness to make this choice, or simply by default will not choose to enjoy the life God has for them, both now and in eternity.
If you were the enemy, wouldn’t you do everything you could to distract, confuse, blind, and even turn people against God and His redemptive plan for humankind?  Wouldn’t you make this choice the prime target of every single one of your plans and schemes?  Of course you would, so guess what?  We need to take responsibility for our faith, not take it for granted.  Because the enemy of your soul will do anything he can to get to that choice!

Love Mary J *”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ...•°*”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ...•°*”˜˜”*°•.

 *”˜˜”*°•.ƸӜƷ✫Love ...•°*”˜˜”*°•Freedom .ƸӜƷ...Truth •°*”˜˜”*°•.

♪♫It was for freedom that Christ has set us free
No longer to be subject to a yoke of slavery
So we’re rejoicing in God’s victory
Our hearts responding to His love..

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